Trinity Students Induction Last Sunday at St Anthony’s Church the Year 6 Ministers were inducted as leaders and received their badges during the Opening Mass. Our Year 6 Ministers for 2018 are to be congratulated for the amazing start they have had. They are stepping up eager to take on their responsibilities and will be fantastic ambassadors for our school. Congratulations to the following students and we look forward to the wonderful leadership skills you will bring to your roles in 2018: Minister Positions for 2018 Canteen Minister- Hunter Minson Library Minister- Brody Schofield Celebrations Minister- Georgia Squire-Wilson IT Minister- Josie Davis-Chard and Oscar Phillis Sports Minister- Ty Leitner and Jonnie Barnes RE Minister- Kurtis Schoppema Prime Minister- Bella Cooper and Zarlie Quinn House Captains for 2018 RED Murray House- Oscar Phillis and Bella Cooper BLUE Hennessy House- Ty Leitner and Josie Davis-Chard GOLD Roberts House- Zarlie Quinn and Brody Schofield.

 Oscar Phillis, Ty Leitner, Johnny Barnes. Bottom Row L to R: Josie Davis-Chard, Hunter Minson, Bella Cooper, Zarlie Quinn, Kurtis Schoppema, Georgia Squire-Wilson.

New 2018 Prime Ministers Bella Cooper and Zarlie Quinn.