Chris Holmes (Social Group President) Mel Yeates (A girl, her car and her guitar) and Hollie McLeod  (Wombat Hotel).

On Friday night Wombat Hotel had the pleasure of hosting Mel Yeates from A Girl, Her car and Her Guitar who is busking her way around Australia, raising funds for Love Your Sister and Beyond Blue. With a generous donation from the Wombat Hotel Social Group and the support of the hotel, Mel raised over $1,200 which is the most that has been raised from a pub gig. She was overwhelmed with the support from such a small community. As you could tell from Mel’s post on her Facebook page A Girl, Her Car and Her Guitar. “What a night! An awesome fellow by the name of Matt contacted me a few weeks ago, asking if I would be interested in coming to his little town of Wombat and playing at the local pub. Of course I would be interested. I didn’teven know there was a town called Wombat. It is so small that there is only a populatioin of 120 people, and most of them turned up to support me last night.” “Before I’d even taken the guitar out I was presented with a $500 cheque from the Social Club. I was literally lost for words, and said ‘Wow’ about 20 times for a minute.” Wombat Hotel Social Group prides itself on raising funds for charities like Mel’s and also in supporting local charities and the community. To date the Social Group has given away over $125,000 which would not be possible without the hard work of the members, the Wombat Hotel and the local business houses who continue to support them. A big thank you to all of them. Are you interested in joining the Social Group? You can do so at the hotel. To keep up to date with what is happening at the Wombat Hotel and with the Social Group, check them out on Facebook page Wombat Hotel, NSW or Facebook group Wombat Hotel Social Group