The Minister for Local Government, The Honorable Gabrielle Upton is calling for submission on the proposal to transfer the Southern Slopes County Council functions to the Hilltops Council.

Hilltops Council, with the support of Yass Valley Council, has proposed to the Minister for Local Government to dissolve the Southern Slopes Noxious Plants Authority (SSNPA) County Council.

Following the merger of the former Boorowa, Harden and Young Shires – Hilltops and Yass Valley Councils believe that County Council structure is no longer the most efficient or effective method of providing Noxious Plant Services to the area.

Commenting on the plan, Council’s Executive Director Corporate & Community Lee Furness said, “The proposal is to disband the County Council and transfer the noxious weeds services function to the Hilltops Council. Yass Valley Council will enter a service agreement for weed services with Hilltops Council for a minimum twelve months with a view that the agreement is to be reviewed 12-months after commencement”.

“It is proposed that all five permanent positions be transferred to the Hilltops Council along with the two casual roles initially. Currently the Weeds Authority is managed by an acting General Manager who is one of the existing permanent employees” Ms Furness added.

“The proposal to dissolve the County Council not only has the support of Yass Valley Council but also the NSW Department of Primary Industries.” Ms. Furness said.

Under the new proposal, Hilltops Council and Yass Valley Council will become the local control authority under the Noxious Weeds Act for their respective areas.

Copies of the proposal are available at Hilltops Council offices in Young, Boorowa, Harden and Yass and at the offices of the Southern Slopes County Council Offices on the corner of Court and Pudman Streets, Boorowa. The proposal is also available on the websites of the Hilltops and Yass Councils.


Submissions can be sent to:

The Minister for Local Government Office of Local Government
Locked Bag 3015
Nowra NSW 2541

Or email to By Monday 1 May 2016 -Ends

Media Contact

Lee Furness, Hilltops Council – 02 6380 1200