Christine Ferguson will resign as the Administrator of Cootamundra-Gundagai  Council effective from midnight tonight.

The State Government appointed Administrator stepped away from her job farming prime lambs and cattle on her Gundagai property to accept the Administrator role handed to her by The Baird Government. She was placed on a salary of $180,00 a year in May 2016.

Since then she has received flack from both communities and residents in the forcibly merged Shires, however, the strongest opposition came from Gundagai residents who held her to account over her decisions and pushed their agenda of ‘Save Gundagai Shire’

The Gundagai community will be see the resignation as a win as they continue down the path of reversing the forced merger.

A bus of 24 residents from Gundagai and Tumbarumba manned booths in the North Shore By-election which saw a swing of 17 percent against the Liberal party on Saturday.

More to come….