Jacob Prosser and Tom Pellow exceeded all expectations when they raised over $5347 on Saturday night at The Light Horse Hotel in their Shave for Can Assist. They were joined by Robert Zahra (Shirl) who lost his beard and also underwent a head shave.

Two mates got together with an idea to make use of their long hair for the betterment of the community. The finale to this idea which was sown months ago came to fruition on Saturday night when Jacob Prosser and Tom Pellow went under the clippers and had their heads shaved to raise money for Harden Can Assist and say thanks to the nurses who provide such wonderful care to local cancer patients in the surrounding area.

Ruben Barnes welcomed the large crowd and gave a brief speech to the those gathered for the auction and the head shave. Her words were brief, however, the message was poignant. She said “If you’re going to have cancer, have it in Harden.” Those few words summed up the efforts put in by the cancer nurses and the local medical services and also highlighted the giving nature of the twin town community when it came to those in need. Jacob and Tom are a part of the community and their small sacrifice will now help those who will be treated for Cancer. Jacob had previously told the Twin Town Times “There are people I know who have gone through it and some have made it out and others havn’t made it. We just wanted to thank the ladies who wotk with the cancer patients, they do a really hard job and they deserve to be praised.”

Jacob and Tom thanked the community for taking part and witnessing the Shave. “It was a good night, everyone enjoyed themselves, it felt cold to have the head shaved but I will get used to it. Tom and I would like to thank everyone for supporting us and coming down on the night.” Another local man in Robert Zahra (Shirl) joined in on the fun and had his beard and hair shaved with the money also going to to Can Assist. The large crowd gathered for the auctions around 8pm and some lucky people took home some great memorabilia. The bidding was quite fierce and good fun. Then came the auction for who would be the one to have the privilege of cutting Jacob Prosser’s hair. In the end his two aunties won. Marie Stewart and Lyn Perceval had a lot of fun cutting their nephew’s hair. Tom is hoping to donate his hair to make a wig.

Local Hairdresser Melissa Ings cut Tom’s hair and did the tidy up on Jacob’s and Robert’s. It was a very entertaining evening with all those involved wanting to thank the Light Horse for hosting the event and all the people who donated goods for the auction. Thank you to everyone who attended this event for their support and making it a success! You will never walk alone! Photo Gallery On Facebook.