A lovely calm warmish Monday morning. No wind for a change and no doubt it will warm up considerably but so far, very pleasant. Past the middle of March and still no flu vaccine available, not expected to be available until next month. If the illness Don has just managed to live through is an indication of what can be expected of the flu that is threatening this year, I urge anyone who thinks it is just a bad cold to get themselves to a doctor pronto. Usually when you presume it is just a very unpleasant cold, most sufferers think the doctor is unnecessary, but think again, it just may be something far more serious. On His second day visit to the doctor she told us she had been so worried about him she had dreamed of him! I think because, in hindsight, she perhaps thought he should have been in the hospital. He is up and about again. Ethel is home after several weeks in the John James Village in Canberra (a very nice place when you are sick but do not need a hospital bed) and we wish her well. She was able to attend the 30th birthday bash for grandson Zac Lee on Saturday night. At present she is enjoying the company of cousin Shirley from near Griffith, the land of Ethel’s youthful days.

Recently, we were able to attend an 88th birthday party for former Harden and Binalong resident, Win Zipfell, who now lives in Canberra with her daughter Sandra and grand daughter Haley and close to second daughter Wendy. The dinner at the Yowani Golf Club was beautifully organised by the three ladies but of course it would be, they are all perfectionists. Win who is very frail after years of ill health, and I were able to reminisce about the time, many years ago (so long ago that the course still had sand greens) a few local golfers claimed a number of trophies at their ladies tournament. Our handicaps were queried but we were always honest and they were genuine handicaps. It was just that a few of us all struck form at the same time. Great memories. and I believe there is still plenty of duck poo to be avoided on the course.

Funny how the papers and news broadcasts are all saying that discipline is lacking in many schools and many homes. Of course it is, but is anyone allowed to do anything to curb it? Time out, naughty corners, a good whack are all banned because they damage the little dear’s psyche and even after school or lunch time detention seems to be a thing of the past. Of course it is many years since I was in the school scene and I admit most of information comes from the media but again I ask what can be done? In my years at school myself and trying to teach I saw very few cases of really bad behaviour or bullying and most certainly not in the local school. I believe the kids here are all pretty well behaved but what is happening in some of the larger city schools certainly is frightening. So many pupils and so many different cultures and beliefs, how can good behaviour be the norm? Mrs Ferry and Mrs Arabin are attending training for a LMBR programme(Learning management and business reform) which will aid in the organisation and running of the school with more information and transparency in financial matters and information on student achievement and health etc. They are also introducing the Education Department’s Tell Them From Me programme which enables the students to provide feedback to their teachers. The survey is done on line and is confidential.

Recently the school kids had a great day at the Jugiong Writer’s Day with students from other local schools where they met an author and illustrator of children’s books. On the sporting side they are enjoying their tennis coaching and ready for the Baldry Shield at Wallendbeen on Friday. They are also looking forward with great anticipation to their Outdoor Movie Night this Saturday. Dinner is available, gates open at 5-30 and the cost is $20 for a family or $5 per person. I think the movies is Disney’s “The BFG” Last week was busy for them with Harmony Day, Ride 2 School Day, St Patrick’s day and Anti bullying Day.

They  had a visit from two police officers from Yass. (no arrests made). The school community is happy that Mrs Jo Innes will remain as the K-2 teacher for the rest of the year. Last weekend Mrs. Arabin met with a group from the Australian Museum of Education (perhaps I could have been added to the museum) who had been visiting school sites in NSW.They were most impressed with the school. Mrs. Arabin also thanked those who attended the working bee to get the gardens in order. Recent star winners were Kaylee Reid,Tyson Butt and Jack Trethowan,Imogen Grange, Ella Saunders and Jamie Merton.

The bowlers had a great day for their bowls on Sunday, but sadly were no match for the players from the Coota Country Club, going down in all games and giving the visitors and 8-0 score. The same result at Boorowa last week with the inexperienced players no match for the more seasoned Boorowa Ex Services bowlers. There are a few new players in the local side who are showing great promise , all they need is a little more experience, so don’t give up fellas. Next Sunday they play the Coota Ex Service Club at Coota. I have not had any official information about the golf opening day but I understand it is programmed for the 1st of April. (There will be a few of them ) Until next time.