Chlorophyll a natural detoxifier.

Have you ever wondered why green juicing and eating green vegetables is so good for you? The answer to this is CHLOROPHYLL a green pigment that’s instrumental in photosynthesis. Research suggests that it is also as instrumental in human health. This is why people green juice, get told to eat leafy green vegetables, take spirulina tablets or use microalgae as a daily supplement. Chlorophyll is known for many health benefits including; • Aid you in processing more oxygen • Cleanse key elimination systems like your bowel, liver, and blood • Promote growth and repair of your tissues • Boosts your immune system • Improves your digestion, especially if constipation is a problem • Provides B vitamins from an animal source • Enhances your ability to focus and concentrate • Increases your energy levels • Balances your body’s pH • Normalizes your blood sugar and blood pressure • Reduces your cancer risk • Freshens your breath

Chlorophyll’s amazing health benefits come from the fact that its molecular structure is almost identical to haemoglobin. In haemoglobin the centre atom is iron, whereas in chlorophyll it is magnesium. This means that when ingested, liquid chlorophyll can actually help to do the job of haemoglobin (haemoglobin is so vital to the health of our blood – in fact, blood is approx 75% haemoglobin). It helps to rebuild and replenish our red blood cells, boosting our energy and increasing our wellbeing almost instantly. Using chlorophyll can increase the quantity and quality of your red blood cells. 

Chlorophyll is also one of the best supplements to reduce toxic mercury levels in the body. So if you have amalgam fillings in your teeth you should be sure to get HEAPS of chlorophyll from leafy green plants and a chlorophyll supplement. Chlorophyll is also used successfully to treat acne, bad breath and candida. It is a natural deodorizer for your body and your mouth but it also promotes healthy growth of good bacteria in your gut. If is rich in rapidly delivered magnesium, which is a highly alkaline mineral and so consuming chlorophyll has a highly alkalising effect on the body. It is also high in vitamin K, C, folic acid, iron, calcium, protein: which are all also essential in building and repairing red blood cells and boosting our immune system.

Chlorophyll is how plants purify the air. Using a daily detoxifying agent is very beneficial for humans especially if you live in a polluted area. Anyone living in close proximity to agricultural land that is sprayed should strongly consider a daily detoxifying supplement.

If you are looking to start a detox you should always start chlorophyll gradually, taking just a small amount at first to see how your body tolerates this powerful detoxification tool. Then slowly increase your dosage. Harden Pharmacy has sourced a high quality Chlorophyll liquid supplement to add to its exceptional health supplement and organic food range. If you need to detoxify your body, lose weight or boost.