Leader of the NSW Nationals and Member for Monaro, John Barilaro, today vowed to bring an end to local government mergers in the bush.

The forced merger of Harden, Boorowa and Young in to Hilltops Council may be scuttled under a new look NSW Government. Nationals leader John Barilaro used very strong language today when speaking to the media.

Mr Barilaro said he was looking forward to working with the new Premier but it was time to draw a line in the sand over council amalgamations.

The news will be happily welcomed by %90 percent of the former Harden Shire community who will be hoping that Barilaro will reverse already forcibly merged Councils such as theirs. Large segments of both the Young and Boorowa communities will also welcome the news.

The news now leaves members of the local advisory committees in a precarious situation as to whether they will continue to work with Tuckerman and McMahon to ‘Sell’ the forced merger to the townsfolk, or immediately lobby Barilaro for change and relinquish their positions.

The current regime of Hilltops Administrator Wendy Tuckerman and General Manager Anthony McMahon is now under severe threat. The duo have been the poster children of forced amalgamations across the forcibly and newly installed Hilltops Council since day one. With the departure of both  the Deputy Premier Troy Grant, and the resignation of the Liberal Government leader and NSW Premier Mike Baird yesterday, both Tuckerman and McMahon no longer have the mandate to continue in their roles. Last man standing, Local Government Minister Paul Toole looks set to lose his position in a reshuffled cabinet next week.


Former Boorowa Mayor and now Hilltops Administrator Wendy Tuckerman pondering Boorowa’s lack of a suitable water supply. She may now be pondering her future under a new government. This week Boorowa entered stage 1 water restrictions. Member  for Goulburn Pru Goward is pictured with Hilltops General Manager Anthony McMahon after a rugby union match. Goward has been an avid supporter of the Hilltops merger. She will now face stiff opposition from within her government to reverse the forced mergers.

The following questions have been sent to Tuckerman and McMahon at Hilltops council, the Twin Town Times is awaiting a response. The full media release from Barilaro is detailed below.

1) What is your response to the statement made by National Party Leader John Barilaro that “The policy of local government amalgamations has impacted 20 councils, 12 of which are in regional NSW causing uncertainty and anger, and others are locked in costly legal action – that all stops today,”
2) Will you both contact the Nationals leader and resign your position immediately?
3) Do you agree that the statement made by Barilaro is vindication of the communities position on Forced Mergers? and their rejection of an undemocratic rule over them by an Administrator?



Leader of the NSW Nationals and Member for Monaro, John Barilaro, today vowed to bring an end to local government mergers in the bush.

Mr Barilaro said he was looking forward to working with the new Premier but it was time to draw a line in the sand over council amalgamations.

“The policy of local government amalgamations has impacted 20 councils, 12 of which are in regional NSW causing uncertainty and anger, and others are locked in costly legal action – that all stops today,” Mr Barilaro said.

Fixing this problem, he said, would be one of his first orders of business in NSW Government discussions.

Mr Barilaro also added that the agreement between the NSW Nationals and Liberals is a blank sheet of paper.

“There are no promises of portfolios – I made no deals when taking over as Leader of the NSW Nationals and I won’t start now,” he said.

“Everything is on the table – there are portfolios which I will be seeking as Leader of the NSW Nationals and no doubt there are portfolios which the incoming Premier will be seeking.

“The NSW Nationals and regional NSW won’t be taken for granted in any future negotiations.”

Mr Barilaro said he was determined that regional NSW would be front and centre of all discussions around the future Cabinet table.

“There has been, quite rightly, criticism that lip service only has been paid to regional areas over the past few years – the Auditor-General report made that clear,” he added.

“It is an exciting opportunity to draw a bright future for NSW – one that has our regional communities at the heart.

“I have spent the past eight weeks visiting and, most importantly, listening to the people of regional NSW.

“Along with NSW Nationals deputy leader Niall Blair I have heard their clear messages, both for and against, across a range of issues impacting on their lives and I will be taking it to the Cabinet table.”

Mr Barilaro said the NSW Nationals are the only party representing regional NSW that are actually sitting at the decision-making table and holding the pen.

“Everyone else is just a pretender.”