With an adult population of around 2,500 people, the former Harden Shire Council area, now a part of Hilltops Shire Council has received 5,000 submissions regarding the Blantyre Farms Piggery proposal. The figure has been released after Hilltops Council compiled data at the completion of the 3rd term of public exhibition.

Commenting on the latest public exhibition Hilltops Council General Manager Anthony McMahon said, “Just over 2,300 submissions were received by Council at the recent public exhibition – this brings to a total of around 5,000 submissions over the course of the three exhibitions.”

“Council has referred these submissions on to State Government Agencies; including the Environment Protection Agency, the Office of Environment and Heritage and the Department of Primary Industries.” He added.

Upon receipt of the submissions the state government agencies have 21 days to respond to Council.

It seems that many of the submissions lodged with Hilltops Council have come from outside the local government area. Although the proposed piggery has its supporters and detractors locally, it is very doubtful that all of the submissions would have come from people within the Shire. The topic seems to be lived and breathed by small groups on opposing sides yet it does not seem to be a widespread issue for the local community as a whole.

McMahon said “We expect the agencies to provide advice to Council in early February on whether they will issue general terms of approval or not. Council will then thoroughly assess the application with the March Council meeting being the earliest possible date a report can be considered by the Administrator.” Mr. McMahon said.

More than 2,300 public submissions will now be passed on to State Government Agencies for their assessment.