Pictured receiving cheques as part of the Stronger Regions Fund. Top: Cheryl Francis, Local Government Minister Paul Toole, Eric Francis, Member for Cootamundra Katrina Hodgkinson, Faye Valerius, Carl Valerius, Hilltops Administrator Wendy Tuckerman, HRDC representative Michelle Kennett and LRC Chair Chris Manchester. The Robert’s Park Trust: Harden Rugby Club President Harry Sachs, Local Government Minister Paul Toole, Robert’s Park Trust President Ged Davis, Member for Cootamundra Katrina Hodgkinson, LRC Chair Chris Manchester, Hilltops Administrator Wendy Tuckerman, Trish Murphy and Rugby Club Committee Member Clint Stevens.


Harden Regional Development Corporation will receive $50,000 toward the cost of the life-size bronze sculpture of Bill the Bastard in Murrumburrah, Member for Cootamundra Katrina Hodgkinson said today. And Roberts Park Trust will receive $49,500 towards the complete revitalisation of the Roberts Park precinct in Murrumburrah, Katrina said. “I congratulate the Harden Regional Development Corporation and Roberts Park Trust for putting forward these proposals,” Katrina said. “The sculpture promises to be a real drawcard for the town and this funding will ensure that Bill the Bastard and his five riders receive due recognition.” “The Harden Regional Development Corporation and Roberts Park Trust are two of more than 20 local groups in the area that is sharing in this funding.” Hilltops Council last week approved the funding for the Roberts Park Community Sports Precinct Revitalisation project.

The project includes building a multi-purpose shade structure, upgrading the cricket pitch, creating an outdoor gym and planting a walkway of trees. Hilltops Council also approved the funding contribution to the Harden Regional Development Corporation for the Bill the Bastard project that has an estimated total cost of $655,000. Minister for Local Government Paul Toole said this was one of many examples how the local community was benefiting from the new Hilltops Council. “I’m really pleased this funding will be serving a good purpose by reminding locals and visitors alike of this important chapter of Australian history. Funding for projects such as Bill the Bastard and the Roberts Park revitalisation will make a real and lasting difference to the Harden and Murrumburrah community,” Mr Toole said.

Harden Regional Development Corporation chairperson Andrew Kennett said the group was thankful for the funding. “Bill the Bastard is the subject of a classic best-selling book, has been the basis for an ABC documentary and now a film in pre-production. This is a project of national importance and I’m thankful to Hilltops Council for helping to make the vision become reality,” Mr Kennett said. Roberts Park Trust President Jed Davies said the group was delighted with the funding. “The revitalisation project will contribute to a stronger more vibrant, sustainable and inclusive local community and enhance community spirit,” Mr Davies said. Other grants approved by Hilltops Council for Harden-Murrumburrah include: Harden Murrumburrah Arts Council ($47,748 for maintenance of courthouse); Harden Murrumburrah Men’s Shed ($1,067 for replacement of band saw) and; Harden Tennis Club ($25,000 for part funding of tennis court resurfacing).