Brian Farnsworth, Bec Sheaff, Ros Bickford, Mike Bickford.

Harden SES Unit takes delivery of a new Storm Response Vehicle. On Tuesday 8 November, Harden’s SES Unit took delivery of a new and better equipped storm response vehicle, something that the Unit has needed for a long time. The new vehicle is well set up with all the necessary equipment on board, stored in lockers specially designed for the SES. Local Controller, Ros Bickford, said that “the members of the Unit were very excited to be told about the new vehicle. It means that the Unit will be better able to respond to the community’s needs during storm season.

The Harden SES Unit are now also looking after the old Boorowa LGA so a second equipped vehicle is very important for us to function effectively in the wider community”. Ros went on to say “that although storm season officially started on 1 October this year, as everyone will know we’ve had severe weather in the district for some time before that. With all the rain that we’ve had, it now means that there’s a lot of growth in grasses and weeds so it’s a good idea for everyone to get out and keep their grass mown and if they’re on rural properties, to ensure that they keep the long grasses along the verges mown. As the temperature heats up this growth will dry out and become fuel for grass fires. Storm season isn’t over yet, so remember to keep your gutters cleaned and if there’s a storm warning issued, to ensure that any items such as light-weight garden furniture, trampolines or even the dog’s kennel are stored securely. Once these things become airborne, they can become very dangerous.”

The Harden SES Unit are also looking to recruit new members in the New Year. In the meantime, for anyone interested in obtaining some information about joining, head to the SES website which is and click on the “Volunteering” tab. There are two options available – either “apply now” or “register your interest”. The Unit also manages the operation of the Driver Reviver facility at the Kruger Centre and are always looking for volunteers to assist, so if you have some time and would like to help, please give Brian Farnsworth a call on 0429 664 075. Harden SES also has a Facebook page, so why not check it out and hit the “like” button. The SES is the primary responder for floods and storms in the district. For any assistance during storms or floods please call 132 500. If it’s a life threatening emergency, then please call 000 immediately.