Walkathon winners Kurtis and Dean.

Last Tuesday night a very successful information night for 2017 was held at Trinity. Many parents attended and appreciated the opportunity to walk through the new classrooms which was followed by an informative presentation by Mrs Maree Williams Head of RE and Curriculum at Catholic Education, Marylou Gorham Principal and Rebecca Cooper Assistant Principal. The new classrooms are being resourced with state of the art technology and furnishings. The classrooms are almost finished and will be ready to commence school in 2017. Staffing for 2017 at Trinity is as follows: Principal: Mrs Marylou Gorham Assistant Principal: Mrs Rebecca Cooper Religious Education Coordinator: Ms Helene Boller K/1-Ms Helene Boller & (REC Release TBA) Year 1/2-Miss Kaitlin Pieper Year 3/4-Mr Dan O’Brien Year 5/6-Mrs Rebecca Cooper & Mrs Julie Doolan (AP Release) Classroom Support K-2-Literacy Focus Teacher and Learning Support K-6-Mrs Penny Lucas (3 days) K-2-Numeracy Focus Teacher – Mrs Marylou Gorham (5 mornings per week) Years 3-6-Classroom Support – Mrs Anne Glover (1/2 day in Year 3-6) & Mrs Julie Doolan (1 day in Year 3-6) K/1-REC release teacher TBA plus additional Class Support (1 day) Learning Support Assistants, Mrs Ann Burns, Mrs Megan Shea, Library Mrs Anne Glover, School Chaplain Mrs Carmel Babos, Secretary Mrs Leanne Davis. The staff are particularly excited about the extra classroom support which is being provided during the Literacy and Numeracy Blocks. This model will assist student learning at Trinity and ensure learning is tailored with the support of targeted individualised programs in Literacy and Numeracy. The Kinder Orientation has been an outstanding success which will culminate this Friday where the students will attend from 9:10 until 3:15pm. If you are interested in sending your children to Trinity in 2017 please contact Leanne Davis at Trinity. Last Friday Trinity finally had their Walkathon after it had been postponed several times due to wet weather. The students had a fantastic time and they all enjoyed the barbecue lunch provided when they returned to school. A special thank you to our many parents and grandparents who walked the course and helped out at check points and on the barbecue. The winner of the Walkathon major prize was Kurtis Schoppema a Year 4 student, who raised $650 and second place was Dean Starling a Year 2 student, who raised $300 for Trinity. A total of $6500 has been raised to go towards resources for the new classrooms. All students who entered the walkathon received something. Well done Trinity students and parents and the community for their assistance.