2017 Brahmans Coach Jason Brown with Club President Ben Spencer and Jason’s brother Shaun Brown who will be 2017 assistant coach.


The Binalong Brahmans Rugby League Club launched their 2017 season with a Christmas party and meet and greet at the Binalong Rec ground on Saturday 10th of December. A very large gathering of players, potential players and supporters attended the function to meet the new 2017 Captain Coach.

President Ben Spencer said: “We are pleased to announce that the Club has secured the services of Jason Brown from Young as our 2017 first grade coach, Jason will have his brother Shaun as an assistant”. The Brown brothers formerly played for the Group 9 Cherrypickers.

During the 2016 season, the Brahmans only won 2 games and had a draw with Burrangong. “Hopefully we will have a more successful season next winter, at present we look like attracting 6 new first graders to replace veterans Dave Ings and Jason Howard who want to retire”, Spencer added.

The new year looks bright for Binalong with a large playing roster in their League Tag side and having added first grade players of quality, the Club’s application to return to George Tooke Shield has been accepted. Their youth league team was depleted somewhat with the departure of some young players who will not qualify in 2017 due to their age. With a satisfactory bank balance and ground improvements, next winter seems promising.

Unfortunately, a number of the 2016 playing roster have left to play else ware but replacement players are trickling in and the Binalong local clashes with Harden and Boorowa will be back on again, these fixtures always provide good gate takings. The Brahmans are still looking for players in all three grades, to find out more phone 0432 118846.