The latest Crime statistic have been released by Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research. (BOSCAR) Young LGA 12,236 Harden LGA 3,584 and Boorowa LGA 2,579 The former local government area of Young seems to be heavily represented when it comes to domestic violence and malicious damage to property with 68 and 236 incidents, whilst the smaller towns of Harden and Boorowa have lower crime rates per capita they also suffer from poor statistics Young’s population is 3.4 times the size of Harden and 4.7 times the size of Boorowa. No murders were recorded in the latest data in all three areas however, domestic violence continues to be an issue with 5 incidents for Boorowa and 8 for Harden.

The following data was revealed: Boorowa – Murder 0, Domestic Violence Related Assault 5, Non Domestic Violence Related Assault 8, Sexual Assault 1, Indecent Assault Act of Indecency and Other Sexual Offences 2, Robberry Without a Weapon 0, Robberry with a Firearm 0, Robbery with a weapon not a firearm 0, Breaking and Enter Dwelling 6, Breaking and Enter Non Dwelling 7, Motor Vehicle Theft 4, Steal From Motor Vehicle 2, Steal From Retail Store 0, Steal From Dwelling 10, Steal from Person 0, Fraud 5 and Malicious Damage to Property 15.

Harden – Murder 0, Domestic Violence Related Assault 8, Non Domestic Violence Related Assault 7, Sexual Assault 4, Indecent Assault Act of Indecency and Other Sexual Offences 6, Robberry Without a weapon 0, Robberry with a Firearm 0, Robbery With a Weapon Not a Firearm 0, Breaking and Enter Dwelling 11, Breaking and Enter Non Dwelling 9, Motor Vehicle Theft 0, Steal From Motor Vehicle 7, steal from retail store 6, steal from dwelling 8, Steal from Person 0, Fraud 7, Malicious damage to property 32.

Young – Murder 0, Domestic Violence Related Assault 68, Non Domestic Violence Related Assault 72, Sexual Assault 9, Indecent Assault Act of Indecency and Other Sexual Offences 24, Robberry Without a Weapon 1, Robberry With a Firearm 0, Robbery With a Weapon Not a Firearm 0, Breaking and Enter Dwelling 39, Breaking and Enter Non Dwelling 20, Motor Vehicle Theft 17, Steal From Motor Vehicle 40, Steal From Retail Store 54, Steal From Dwelling 37, Steal From Person 3, Fraud 27 and Malicious Damage to Property 236.

Although there is a higher incidence of Breaking and Entering Dwelling in Young, per capita there is a higher chance of this occurring in Harden. Boorowa recorded 0 Steal form Retail Store incidents whilst Young was over represented with 54 compared to Harden’s 6 meaning it was twice as likely to occur in Young per capita. Vehicles seem to be safer in Harden with 0 thefts whilst Young had 17 stolen and Boorowa 4. Assault continues to be a problem in all 3 former local government areas with Boorowa recording 8, Harden 7 and Young over represented with 72 offences.