Geoff Boyd is pleased to announce the arrival of a new addition to his business. Geoff has recently purchased a quarry trailer for use in the district. He said “From a workplace safety perspective you can’t hit powerlines because it doesn’t tip. It can unload 25 ton in 1 minute with the conveyor belt going. You can feed the product out at any rate. It comes in to its own when sheeting driveways, you can run 25 ton over 200 yards in a nice thin uniform layer and on uneven ground. It’s perfect for fixing farmer’s driveways. You can regulate the depth if there are hollows in the road. You don’t need a lot of earth moving gear to tidy it up after it is laid. You can also do shoulder work with another attachment. It’s also ideal for blokes with bobcats because you don’t end up with two piles like a truck and dog trailer. It is unique and does most of the job for you.” Geoff said there is a pretty big waiting list in Victoria and Sydney for this style of trailer. He is hoping to be able to fix up private roads for farmers as well as assist the Council in repairing the roads after the damage caused over winter. “With hot mix there is a transition in the industry towards these types of trailers. It has a camera out the back and inside the cabin, you don’t even have to get out of the truck. It has a remote for dispatching the product, it is a great piece of machinary and will be very useful and cost effective for clients.” Contact Geoff on 0427 269 343 to discuss rates and to find out what this trailer can do for you.