Men’s Shed Secretary Athol Cairn and his fellow Men’s Shed members just want a container put in place to help with storage.

Harden Murrumburrah Men’s Shed are getting weary of waiting. The Kruger Trust gave them a grant to purchase a container for storage at their headquarters and Sibelco was happy to assist with their support. However, upon investigation they found that they had to put in a DA to Hilltops Council even though it is a non fixed building. Secretary Athol Cairn, said that was many weeks ago. It was then decided that the building belonging to the ARTC which they rent, is Heritage listed. Upon Paying $740 to get reports there has been no response. Emails brought the ‘we have no record of your request’ yet they had cashed the Men’s Shed cheque. Athol said, “We have had good support from Kruger Trust and Sibelco and we have complied with all requests from Hilltops Council and the Heritage Commission. We just want to bring the project to completion.” Athol continued, “We pay rates to Hilltops Council and rent to ARTC and we can’t even get a DA for a container approved. We gave up the land in Stair Street because we couldn’t afford rent and rates on that land. Our income is not huge, we are reliant on donations and wood raffles to survive. We are aware of Men’s Sheds in other towns which do not have to pay rates or rent!” Men’s Sheds have proven to be invaluable to contributing to men’s health and wellbeing and the local group welcomes newcomers to the district as well as those who feel that they would enjoy the company of other males and put their skills to good use. Athol invites all interested men to come along, have a chat and see just what activities are available. Hopefully this vaulable resource for men’s health and well being will get better attention than the village of Galong has lately.