Demondrille Merino stud Principals Paddy and Andrew ‘Charlie’ Davis were on hand to deliver a cheque for $2,600 to Reuben Barnes and Monica O’Connor from the Harden branch of Can Assist. Monica said ” It means a huge amount to making peoples lives easier. When they are dealing with cancer they have travel expenses and medication and for them not to worry about the money side of it, helps make the journey much easier. Paddy said “It was Charlie’s idea, he had a scare this year. We support a lot of things, as much as we can and give back to the district, this is as good a cause as anything.” Monica said “Not many people miss out on being touched by Cancer. We are financially situated well but if we don’t top it up, when we spend it, we can’t help the next person, it’s always an ongoing thing. The ram which produced the $2,600 sale price was bought by Jamie and Kathy Brown of Harden.