One of the worst parts of road within the former Harden Shire area on the Demondrille Bridge.

The Hilltops road network has been severely affected by the last two months of storm activity and flooding across the region. According to Hilltops Council, crews have been focused on monitoring the impacts of the heavy rain with temporary road closures a regular occurrence. Council’s General Manager, Anthony McMahon said “The wet weather has had further impacts than the damage caused due to flooding. Obviously the saturation of roads and adjoining paddocks has meant that the condition of roads right across the Council area has rapidly deteriorated. Unfortunately the persistent rainfall has also made it difficult for works crews to undertake much needed maintenance,” he said. The Demondrille Bridge has been the source of chatter within the former Harden Shire area with more patches than a pirate ship. The short piece of road connecting Harden to Young is in urgent need of a resurfacing however residents will be forced to wait as more important roads which affect residents from coming and going from their properties are attended to.

The Council was declared eligible for Natural Disaster Relief Funding as a result of flooding that occurred in late July. It is anticipated that the same will occur for the additional damage caused as a result of the two flood events in the past month. There will be no respite for crews as more heavy rain is expected this week. “It has certainly been challenging to assess the extent of damage given that for the third time now we have had to reassess whether there has been further damage on top of what we already experienced,” said Mr McMahon. Natural Disaster Relief Funding is only applicable to damage directly attributable to flood damage meaning that much of the general deterioration to the sealed road network will need to be covered by maintenance funding. “We are now faced with the challenge of additional maintenance needs, a later than planned start to our capital works program and the obvious need to reinstate safe access on our road network,” said Mr McMahon. With more rainfall scheduled later in the week it is likely further delays to repairs to the road network will occur. “All we can do is wait until conditions dry out to undertake major repairs and start our major capital projects for the year with a larger program than normal scheduled as a result of grant funding,” said Mr McMahon. “We ask the community to remain patient and more importantly to drive to conditions on the roads, particularly if we get further high rainfall this week” he said.