Matt McLay played a pivotal role in the Harden Hawk’s attempt at winning the George Tooke Competition in 2016. He will now coach the side in 2017 and will lead a strong playing group of juniors, locals and talented footballers from the region.

The Harden Hawks Rugby league Football Club has announced the appointment of Matt McLay, to the role of First Grade Coach for the 2017 season. The talented Five Eight will lead the Hawks in a new, or old look, competition, with the Binalong Brahmans re-entering a side in 2017. The Rugby League rumour mill has been swirling of late with plenty of high profile names mentioned to be signing with the Brahmans. The Hawks will have plenty of time to attract players also, with the early announcement of McLay. McLay turns 29 in January and his appointment signals a different avenue for the Hawks next season. Harden have been coached by locals such as Jason Pollard, Nathan Schofield, Luke Brown and Mick Quinn over the last 2 seasons.

Matt is excited at the prospect of coaching the local side who he helped to their first home Grand Final. Although he played Five Eight this year he can also play in the Back Row, with no weaknesses in his game. Put simply, he is big, fast and strong, With plenty of technique and skills thrown in after that. McLay is not only an excellent addition to the Hawks as a player, he is also now able to take the reins of the club and steer them in to 2017.

Club President Jason Pollard was excited at the prospect of McLay leading the side in 2017 and at the same time acknowledged the hard work done by 2015 and 2016 Coach Mick Quinn. Pollard said “Mick did a great job over the last two years in getting the side to a Final and then a Grand Final. He did really well and his experience has rubbed off on the players. The club would like to thank him for everything he has done.”

Matt McLay’s connection to Harden goes back many years. Matt was schooled at St Greg’s and came across a few boys from the country. He met a particular lad by the name of Matt Brown. Matt the son of Jamie and Kathy Brown made a huge impression on him. They became best mates whilst at St Greg’s and were both signed to the West Tigers together. Both Matt and McLay were billeted with families whilst they were at the Tigers and eventually moved in together. McLay said of Matt “We did most things together, he was a great bloke. At school during photo shoots for footy teams he would yell out ‘Up the Hawks’. We were very close and after he passed away I struggled to deal with his loss, losing him was very hard for me.”

McLay hasn’t forgotten his best mate or the town of Harden. He has a tattoo on his chest to remind him of the friendship he shared with Matt. He said “I have always wanted to come and play for Harden and I would have liked to do it with another mate in Brent ‘Dicky’ Turner a couple of seasons back but I didn’t end up getting out here to play until this year.” The influence of great mates Brent Turner and Mick Alcorn, the latter attended St Greg’s with him, helped him make the decision.

McLay has a 6 year old son and his partner Pep is due to give birth early next year. He currently works for the Australian Government in the Department of Employment in the Canberra City Centre and grew up in Tuggeranong. He said “I also did some security work on the side and wasn’t sure if I could Coach next year with another baby on the way. Pep has been fully supportive of idea and backed the decision. We have been blown away by the support and the community in Harden, first grade games might attract 50 spectators in Canberra but Harden is amazing the whole town loves footy.”

2017 will be McLay’s first foray in the coaching role, however, he brings plenty of representative experience with his time at the West Tigers and time also spent at the Canberra Raiders as well as West Belconnen. He said “I play more for fun now I don’t have the interest to continue playing at a very high level. I sort of retired a couple of years ago but part of me wanted to play again. Last year was one of the best year’s of football I have enjoyed. The small town vibe is great everybody is behind you.” McLay said ” Quinny did a great job, hopefully the core group of players will stay and I have already been able to attract some big players, we need a couple of big bodies who can add some size to our pack. The Hawks also have some great juniors coming through so everything is looking good for 2017.”

McLay will be looking for redemption this year and you can tell he has unfinished business. He tore his quad muscle during the season and re injured it in the Grand Final after completing a drop out kick. “I was basically a passenger for the game.” He couldn’t play to his potential in the final game and you can tell it bothers him. “When its your arm you can play through it but a leg is different, every time you step it hampers you.” McLay hopes to have a strong squad of 20 to 25 players next year and you can bet Matt Brown won’t be too far from his thoughts. Congratulations on the appointment to the role of Harden Hawks First Grade Coach.