Field goal star Jess Doolan with (Right) Try scorer extraordinare Grace Smith, (Left) Samantha Doolan and in the background Georgie Butt who played with an injured shoulder throughout the match.

The heart-break of the devastating loss in 2015 to Bungendore can finally be put to rest as the Harden Hawkettes reigned supreme on Saturday at McLean Oval.  Not that it will be totally wiped from the ladies memories, but the close fought win has certainly healed some existing wounds.  The Hawkettes used the 2015 loss as motivation to ensure that every little bit of extra effort was put in to secure victory over their arch rivals, the Bungendore Tigerettes.

Typically the match had its high and lows with the weather and ground conditions damp to say the least.  The weather played slightly in to the Hawkettes hands as they were relentless in defence. The heavy conditions took some speed away from their opposition’s set plays through the middle.

The opening minutes of the match saw some very solid defence on Georgie Butt, who soon realised that she would have to play the remainder of the game with a wounded shoulder, thanks to a miss-timed tag by her opponent. The physicality was a trend throughout the match, however, the Hawkettes were determined not to take a backward step.

Coach Pollard had once again instructed that a solid start was required and this included playing for one another in defence and teaming up in attack.  The match see-sawed in the opening stanza with both teams waiting on the other’s mistakes.  It took a stock-standard set move by the opposition to open up the Hawkettes middle field. The Tigerettes crossed near the posts to make it 6-0 after 15 minutes of play.

The Hawkettes wings had been clipped, but they banded together lead by Jess Doolan, Katie Butt and Em Quinn, who were leading by example ensuring that no further points could be scored by the opposition.  The Twinnies and Emma James were taking it upon themselves to ensure that as many metres were gained from dummy half as possible. When required, Kate Menz and Samantha Doolan were chewing up metres in the middle of the field.

Half time came and went with Jason insisting upon the girls to ‘lift’ as they were good enough to win this title.  The team agreed to lift but whatever the Hawkettes offered up, Bungendore kept turning them away.  The Hawkettes seemed to be out of favour with the officials as the 12-1 penalty count had to be seen to be believed. Any momentum was certainly stalled every time the Hawkettes were punished for being so naughty !!.

After showing great faith after relentless attempts to drive the Hawkettes backwards, it was no surprise that Grace Smith would provide a special touch of her expected brilliance.  With about 7 minutes left on the clock a long kick by the opposition saw the Hawkettes again planted on their try line. A quick brains trust meeting was held by Smith and Fitzgerald who decided who was going to run the length of the field.  No surprises when Smith said she would do it.  It was left to Fitz to fire a quick pass from dummy half which ignited the Grace Smith after burners. This saw Grace swerve and weave her way through a number of opponents leaving them in her wake, 1, 2, 3 – in fact the only realistic chance of anyone catching Grace was ‘water-boy’ Simon Doolan who seemed to gain speed and voice as he echoed ‘posts, posts posts’, to ensure that the kick was within range for Emma James to convert.  To script, Grace planted the ball under the black dot and Emma James calmly slotted the conversion – 6 all with 5 minutes to go.

Jublilation amongst the Hawkettes was evident as they were now back in the match, but of course it was inevitable this game was going into extra time, as each team desperately defended their line as the fulltime siren sounded.

Coach Pollard calmly ensured that the officials knew the extra time scenario of 5 minutes each way, and then golden point if required. Formalities out of the way it was now a case of who could provide a little special touch to crown their side the 2016 champions.  5 minutes gone, still no change to the score, then at the 7th minute of extra time the Hawkettes were within striking range – plan A was to go to Emma James if within field goal range, or so Bungendore thought. They targeted and charged at Emma who calmly off loaded to Jess Doolan who followed through with her muddy size 9’s and gracefully potted the most celebrated field goal in the past 2 weeks.  Scoreline of 7-6 with 2 minutes to go – the Hawkettes were daring to dream.

Bungendore’s last throw of the dice was a very firm direct kick-off which nearly took the foot clean off Georgie Butt but in true Tim Cahill style she blocked it, picked it up and tucked it up under her wounded wing – it was the longest, nervous 6 tackles in history, but it was enough to secure victory and one the Hawkettes truly deserved.

Presentation of the winners shield was rightfully accepted by chief Hawkette, Kate Menz who did the obligatory thankyous. Individual trophies were presented which included Georgia Smith deservedly named ‘girl of the match’. This could have gone to any number of players, Samantha Doolan led the team song in ‘true Doolan style’ which then set the scene for plenty of joyous Hawkettes celebrations.

Jess Doolan was named players player and every Hawkette and Polly should be very proud of their 2016 season.  Congrats to our 2016 champions the Harden Hawkettes.

BY Maryanne Fitzgerald