Georgie Butt – Upgraded from fullback to the front line this year, No weight gain was necessary to fill the upfront job but Georgie certainly plays with plenty of guts & detemination each week. Look for those little skips through the line when she hits the ball up. Emilie Quinn – quiet achiever who has learned her trade under the guise of a pen of Roosters, Em is a great asset when it comes time to tag in the catching pen as she is invaluable in our defensive line. Clare Smith – started the year crippled however, when she decided to stem her social activities and ground both feet Clare has proved invaluable in both attack and defence – yet to work out how to get a couple of tries back off her Twinny to balance up the books. Georgia Smith – equal top tryscorer for the Hawkettes this year (or so the books say), Georgia is a workaholic on the field, something she is yet to master at training, Smithy’s darts from dummy half are key in both attack and defence. Grace Smith – has been a revelation this year, her skill, which have grown with confidence has to be seen to be believed, as is her speed. Grace is extremely safe at the back which we can accredit to Oscar teaching her to close the paddock gate so no strays or runaways can get through – will play a huge role come saturday. Emma James – playmarker extraordinaire who loves to get her hands on the ball – when Em is not leading the attack she is leading by example in defence. Em can be relied upon to slot over our goals to tick the scoreboard over. Emma’s combinations with Jessica are invaluable. Olivia Howe – Liv was really hitting her straps when her foot fell out of the stirrups about 6 wks ago. Liv’s experience and cool head in close matches have certainly been missed but you can guarantee she will be watching like a ‘winged Hawkette’ very close on the sideline. Samantha Doolan – SD is a whole hearted performer both on and off the field – she is her own harshest critic, but her little touches each week in attack and defence do not go unnoticed. One things for sure she is ‘top dog’ when it comes to all things social and let’s hope that her rendition of ‘Hawks, Hawks, Hawks’ can be heard as far as the Bungedore hills on Saturday afternoon – another thing that’s a cert is SD will not go home until she knows all her teammates are home safely. Kate Menz – Our very stable leader who would relish nothing more than to lead her girls to victory on Saturday. Is very well respected by her peers, officials and opposing players and will be seen lurking around looking for another stray intercept, should Kate get across the line I’m hearing she has a very special post try celebration in store for us all. Georgia Murray – has had safe hands on the wing all year and this has been rewarded by the fact that she can now nurse 2 babies at once. Georgia is also a very handy goalkicker if required. Molly Fredericks – we love this girls aggression and if a little bit of defensive grunt is required Molly’s the girl to send in to battle. She loves her short spurts of energenic injection off the interchange bench. Jessica Doolan – our real leader of the group, it’s no secret Jessica is a perfectionist and we hope that her skill and attitude will lead the team to victory on Saturday. JD leads by her actions and if it takes breaking another couple of digits in order to hold that trophy aloft she will gladly deliver. Look for a big game by JD as she throws herself into the match. Rochelle Boyd – like her teammate Molly the team lifts when Rochelle runs off the interchange bench – her efforts in both attack and defence are very valuable when her teammates are running tired. Kerrie Quinn – her commitment to the squad this year has been creditable with many extra miles travelled to form part of this winning squad – lets hope she can add to a long list of ‘Mighty Quinn’s on Saturday. Lucy Chesworth – Newcomer to the team this year Lucy is a speedy interchange player, who can really motor when required – it looks at times likes she is only taking baby steps, but can put in during a chase. 19. Myrka – has swapped the boots for the Canon during the later half of the year but has really enjoyed the atmosphere around the Hawkettes Ice Hockey squad. 20. Maddie Pollard – former Cherrypicker who has ‘seen the light’, Maddie has slotted in well in the maroon and white and is a very safe player when used off the bench. 21. Katie Butt – obviously has her mothers ‘will to win’ Katie has been a great asset to the Hawkettes team this year, her quiet nature off the park is certainly not evident on the park’ cause as soon as she pulls the jumper – its game on. Her great defensive skills teamed with and schoolmate Em Quinn will be essential for plugging up the middle line in defence. 22. Maryanne Fitzgerald – whilst it looks like a very old head is certainly young at heart – can be seen outrunning most of her teammates at training and never draws breathe in revving up her teammates on game day. Old enough to mother nearly every hawkettes, however is hoped that her ‘must win’ attitude and experience may come in handy on Saturday. 24. Georgie Campbell – has had a great 1st up year with the girls both on and off the field, her short stints from the bench have not gone unnoticed and will be the first to pat her teammates on the back after the game. Jason Pollard Coach – Harden’s version of Corey Parker, Jason has aged gracefully this year as his squad have responded well to his lead and direction both on and off the field. Like senior coach Quinn, Polly has a lifetime of passion for rugby league and seeing as though Jodie won’t let him play he would love to see his girls clinch victory under his coaching. Assistants Olivia & Eliza – from scoreboard attendants, to running the kicking tee to ball girls; both Liv & Lize love being around the big girls – they can be often seem scheming the next try celebration, performing strategic cartwheels and even staying out late with those big girls – rest assured they will be the first on the field to celebrate with the girls should they clinch a victory .