They say “Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.”

“Employing his characteristic mix of negotiation and intimidation, he offered the possibility of friendly co-operation, promising not to threaten the Reichstag, the President, the States or the Churches if granted the emergency powers. With Nazi paramilitary encircling the building, he said: “It is for you, gentlemen of the Reichstag to decide between war and peace”. The Centre Party, having obtained promises of non-interference in religion, joined with conservatives in voting for the Act (only the Social Democrats voted against). The Act allowed him and his Cabinet to rule by emergency decree for four years, He immediately set about abolishing the powers of the states and the existence of non-Nazi political parties and organisations. Non-Nazi parties were formally outlawed on 14 July, and the Reichstag abdicated its democratic responsibilities. This man’s name was Adolf Hitler, probably the most despised man in history and in the same category as Stalin and Chinese leader, Mao.

The Hilltops Council or more to the point Administrator Tuckerman has been gifted emergency powers akin to those enjoyed by the Nazi party. They embody the ability to control the masses, make undemocratic decisions and shape within a particular time period the type of local government which former Harden Shire residents will transition to. The Administrator will exercise her decision making powers during the next 16 months. Although not four years, 16 months will give the State Government plenty of time to reward those who give them the outcome they want. That is if the mergers are not reversed.

Decisions will be made that will have long lasting consequences for the people of the former Harden Shire. The Administator will divide and carve up assets, Government grants, machinery and decide on where the power hub or depots will be.

Tuckerman will have the sole responsibility during this process. Does she have to worry about who is upset at the end of all of this if she doesn’t run in the local government elections in September 2017 ? No she doesn’t. Tuckerman may yet run for the seat of Cootamundra at the next election. Many residents have lost faith in Katrina Hodgkinson over the amalgamation debacle especially after a vote of no confidence was taken in her at a town meeting earlier this year. It is doubtful if she will give voters the chance to vote her out. She may just step aside.

Tuckerman’s salary during this period as Administrator is $180,000 per annum. More money than most people will ever see in a year ot three. Paul Toole has said he will support those who support the mergers. Expect nothing less from him. He wants to see them pushed through with the least amount of resistance. All seven former Councillors of Harden Council have been sacked. Myself (Matthew Stadtmiller) Tony Campbell and Tony Flanery have not been included on the new advisory committee. Myself and Tony Campbell chose not to apply. Tony Flanery was the only Harden Shire Councillor who applied for the role and was left off the advisory group. Although he opposed the forced merger he recognised the need for strong representation if we were forced. Instead Tuckerman has appointed former Councillor Pat O’Connor and resident Jan Ryan. Another Captain’s pick which will be followed by more over the next 16 months. However, In reality Tuckerman is the Captain of the team and playing all the positions. The advisory group are powerless.

Former Councillor Flanery is not a yes man, he stands up for what he believes in and butts heads with people who don’t agree with him. I spent many Council meetings disagreeing with Tony Flanery and we have not seen eye to eye on many issues. In fact we have had some very good arguments about Council affairs. At other times we have readily agreed with each other and fully supported each others decisions. This sort of robust conversation mustn’t be what the new Hilltops Council is looking for. I can tell you now, going to war against Tony Flanery would be a tough ask. He is a fierce competitor, extremely knowledgable and although he has his faults like we all do, I would be the first person in the ‘trenches’ with him fighting for change if he chooses to run at the 2017 September elections. He is outspoken and a leader. You don’t want Tony against you, you want him on your side, especially on a regional level fighting for Harden. These characteristics may have gone against him in regard to the new advisory group.

The eastern and north eastern parts of the former Harden Shire now have no representation, excluding Neil Reid who has always supported the Jugiong area. The other candidates are geographically aligned closer to Young. According to the business paper Tuckerman has chosen who she wants. Her decision of choosing former Mayor Chris Manchester over previous current Mayor John Horton is stark. Manchester along with Stuart Freudenstein from Young and Tuckerman, were on the initial Hilltops steering committee when I became a Councillor in 2012. This has been a long process hasn’t it? Former Young Mayor and vocal supporter of the Hilltops Council Brian Ingram was rewarded with an executive role and like all of the 18 members of the advisory group will receive $11,010 for his efforts in supporting the forced merger. An additional $11,010 will also go the way of Manchester, Ingram and Boorowa’s Corcoran. Tony Flanery’s ability to be outspoken and push for what he believes in will not be a part of this new committee when its members begin ‘assisting’ Tuckerman with the following issues which need resolving very soon. They include: The Head office. No prizes for guessing where it will be! The major works depot. The positioning of the Rural Fire Service Headquarters as well as the roles given to current directors. The backlog of infrastructure including the poor water supply to Boorowa which will cost millions.

The elections have been delayed until September 2017 to allow these decisions to be made and for the dust to settle before many of these now unelected officials will throw their hat in the ring to become democratically elected again. The following is an excerpt from page 7 of the business paper dated Tuesday March 24, 2016 “Based on guidance from the NSW Government these committees should primarily consist of former Councillors that have demonstrated a strong desire to represent their community to create a stronger new Council. The Administrator does have the ability to appoint non former Councillor Community members to the LRC. It is recommended the Administrator appoint a Chairperson for each of the LRCs as well being responsible for the selection of members for each LRC. In addition to LRC’s it is recommended that Hilltops Council establish an Implementation Advisory Group (IAG) which includes one member from each of the three LRC’s. It is recommended the purpose of the IAG is to be: providing input into the preparation of the Implementation Plan,  assisting to monitor the delivery of the Implementation Plan. Basically 18 people have been employed by the State Government. Not to vote but to advise. They will be guided by the following terms of reference: Reviewing activities and meeting minutes of LRC, Assisting in facilitating other Committees of Council and Providing recommendations to Council on priority activities across the Local Government Area. The Administrator will be responsible for determining the Chairperson and appointing IAG members. It is also recommended the IAG and LRCS’s assist in reviewing committees from each of the three former Councils and provide guidance to the administrator on suitable committee structures for the new Hilltops Council. To recognise the important role the LRC will play during the establishment period of the Hilltops Council it is recommended that members be remunerated $11,010 in accordance with the provisions of the draft terms of reference. This value aligns with the remuneration of Councillors. In addition it is recommended the IAG (excluding the Administrator) be remunerated an additional $11,010 in accordance with the Draft IAG terms of reference. That’s $22,020 to the former Mayor of Harden Shire, Chris Manchester the former Mayor of Young Brian Ingram and to Chris Corcoran of Boorowa. Tuckerman rubber stamped the payments last Tuesday.

The yearly bill for the Administrator and the advisory group will total $411,210 before fuel cards, credit card and other expenses are added. There are now 18 people on the 3 new advisory committees. Let’s get this straight. They have no voting power at all. Your rate money will now go to paying these 18 people to do nothing more than consult and or advise. These people although many are former Councillors have not been elected by you in this process. They are no longer being remunerated for their services as Council officials representing you by a democratic process. They are paid employees of the State Government who have been allocated the role on the pretext that they will be supported by Toole because he will support those who support the merger. A forced merger.

Their job is to sell the merger to you, the public. It’s interesting to note that no Councillor at Oberon put in an expression of interest in one of the new roles. Oberon is part of Paul Toole’s State seat of Bathurst. Oberon Mayor Kathy Sajowitz said the Oberon Councillors had a “firm commitment to support the overwhelming community stance against the forced mergers.”