The Presidents of the Harden Hunting Club, Harden & Young Pistol Club and the Deep Hole Fishing Club gathered at the Bendigo Bank on Monday afternoon to donate the proceeds of the Inter-Club Charity Shoot, held on Sunday April 24. The shoot raised $2,000 for the Cure Brain Cancer Foundation.

Rodney Howe, Mick Whittington and James ‘Chicka’ Allen, Presidents of the Hunting Club, Pistol Club and Deep Hole Fishing Club respectively, presented the cheque to the Foundation, which was accepted by Sam Whitehead on their behalf.

Sam is the son of the late Greg Whitehead, a beloved member of the community, who passed away from the disease on the 3rd of November, 2014. Brain Cancer is diagnosed in someone every five hours, with 1600 people diagnosed every year. Only two out of every ten sufferers will survive beyond five years. It is a disease that affects many families, with many people in the Harden Shire having farewelled loved ones in recent years to the cancer. The Greg Whitehead Fishing Challenge will be held from August 19th to the 21st not only in memory of Greg Whitehead, who had a tremendous love of fishing, but also to raise money for the Cure Brain Cancer Foundation. Last year, the event raised nearly $14,000 for the Foundation. For more information, go to the Greg Whitehead Fishing Challenge Facebook page.