Talented Rugby League players Joey and Lui Polimeni of Jugiong. Lui pictured (Right) is currently in hospital after an accident on Sunday.

The Jugiong community and the Polimeni family are banding together after Gino and Jenny’s son Lui, suffered an accident playing for the Gundagai Tigers on Sunday. Jenny wrote on her Facebook page on Sunday: “As many of you have heard Lui had a major accident today at football. He has just come out of surgery and the neuro surgeon assures us their is no brain damage although he is still in an induced coma and they think he may have had a stroke or silent seizures. Not out of the woods yet, keep praying for us. Thank you for all your amazing support and thank you to the Tigers football club that have been amazing.”

Gino’s Fruit and Veg will be closed for the week whilst the family is at Lui’s side. We Wish them well and a speedy recovery for Lui.