Harden NSW SES volunteers have spent the last 12 months responding to 13 tasks helping the community in times of storms, floods and other emergencies and now Harden residents are being encouraged to wear orange, the official colour of the SES uniform, to recognise this contribution. With the help of NRMA Insurance, the NSW SES will be celebrating Wear Orange Wednesday (WOW Day) on 11 May to recognise the 40,000 SES volunteers across Australia who are always helping their communities. NSW SES Local Controller, Ros Bickford said WOW Day is a fun and creative way for people to show their support for local volunteers. “This is a day when the constant and dedicated work of NSW SES volunteers is recognised in a public way,” Ms Bickford said. Why not dress in orange, take a ‘selfie’ and upload it to HYPERLINK “http://www.wearorangewednesday.com.au” www.wearorangewednesday.com.au.

You can also share your selfie on social media with #thankyouSES to show your support,” she said. NRMA Insurance Partnership and Programs Manager, Carrey Cultra said that it’s important to recognise the hard work SES volunteers do for their communities. “Too often we see the devastating impact wild weather can have on our communities and the invaluable role NSW SES volunteers play helping them prepare for and recover from severe weather,” Ms Cultra said. “We’re proud to work alongside the NSW SES in order to make our communities safer, stronger and more resilient and wish to say a big thank you to the volunteers for all their hard work.” The NSW SES has around 9,000 volunteers across the state who come from all walks of life. Volunteers range in age from 16 up to 80 and are involved in activities as diverse as flood rescue, tarping roofs, clearing fallen trees, community education, logistics and planning, communications, and much more. Get involved in this year’s WOW Day – go to: www.wearorangewednesday.com.au