Harden Murrumburrah Community Bank Manager Jen Sheridan is pictured with Charlie Prosser and Chairman Hugh Pavitt celebrating the 9th birthday for the Community Bank.

The Harden-Murrumburrah Bendigo Bank celebrated 9 years servicing the twin town area and beyond with a morning tea yesterday morning at the branch in Neill Street. Gale Curtis and Janelle Slavin have worked at the bank since its inception. During this time they have built valuable relationships with their customers.

The Bank has given back nearly $130,000.00 to the local community over the 9 years in the form of sponsorships for organisations such as the Harden-Murrumburrah Hawkettes and the Kite Festival just to name a few.

A lot of hard work from the staff and the board of directors has gone in to making the bank a success. Ralph Hawkins was the first manager of the bank and an integral part of its success before he sadly passed away.

Current manager Jen Sheridan has been with the bank for just over 2 years and has helped the bank grow considerably during this time. “Being viable has been the biggest achievement of the bank,” said Hugh Pavitt, Chairman of the Bendigo Bank Board. “Some people were a bit doubtful at the start. But we are still here.”

In addition to regular banking services, Bendigo Bank is now providing quotes on health insurance. “The Bendigo Bank prides themselves with their connections, both with our clients and our business associations. One of those connections is with health insurer, Australian Unity,” said Jen. “With the impending health premium increases, please contact the team at the Harden Bendigo Bank on 63 865 083 or myself on 0427 895 644 to obtain your quote. Remember that the more people banking with us means more money that can be put back into your community.”