Mergers are an ill conceived mess

15 March 2016

Council was notified that pursuant to section 218E of the Local Government Act 1993 (the Act) Harden Shire Council made a proposal to the Minister for Local Government for the amalgamation of the Cootamundra, Harden and Gundagai local government areas. The Minister has now referred the proposal for examination and report by the Delegate. Harden Shire Council’s alternate merger proposal (Gundagai/Cootamundra/Harden) has been listed on the website and-harden-shire-councils/

“Minister Paul Toole has listed another un-palatable proposal with no economic business case. Gundagai’s case to stand alone is far superior. They are clearly not listening to the wishes of the Gundagai community. This merger process is an ill conceived mess and it’s embarrassing for the NSW Government’’ said Gundagai Mayor Abb McAlister.

“’Harden have been truly misinformed by government bureaucrats and their subsequent action is truly insensitive to the residents of Gundagai. We have just been through a Public Inquiry and Submission process and to ask our community to go through it all again is a complete joke and insult”, said Gundagai Mayor Abb McAlister.

A statistically verified and independent Survey conducted by IRIS Research in February 2016 found just 7.3% of the Gundagai community supported the Government’s merger proposal, while 92.7% preferred Gundagai Council to stand alone as an independent council.

The Minister must refer council-initiated proposals, like Harden’s, for examination under the Act. A Delegate will examine and report to the Minister and the Local Government Boundaries Commission. The Minister then may decide to force an amalgamation. Unfortunately this means the Gundagai Community need to spend time and money reviewing the new proposal and defending its ultimate position again. A Public Inquiry has been scheduled for10am Wednesday 6 April 2016, and written Submissions are due by 5pm Friday 15 April 2016.

“’We are calling on the Gundagai Community to remain active in this fight’’ said Gundagai Mayor Abb McAlister.