Alma Wilson with her son Colin. Alma is holding her message from Queen Elizabeth II. She celebrated her 100th birthday at St Lawrence Apartments on Wednesday March 9.

A passing asteroid and a partial eclipse have marked Alma Wilson’s 100th Birthday which occurred yesterday the 9th March. Alma Wilson celebrated her 100th birthday with a cake and a birthday message from the Queen, surrounded by residents and staff of the Harden Nursing Home. Her son Colin and friends Colin and Kaylene Ashley were in attendance. Morning tea with a special cake was the highlight of Wednesday morning. Kaylene said, “I am the daughter she never had and she is my other mother”. Last Saturday friends and relatives travelled from Shepparton, Mildura and Caboulture for a get together with Alma. Born in Albury in 1916, she moved to Quandialla with her parents the Pfeiffers, where they lived on a property, Gilgowrie. She married Bob Wilson in 1942. Only child Colin was born in 1944. They lived in Picton, then Wagga in the 50’s where they remained until the 70’s. They moved to the Moppity Road Young and were orchardists before moving to Wombat to retire. Wombat has always held a special place in Alma’s heart as she would visit the Wombat Hotel with her parents as a little girl. She moved into the nursing home around 4 years ago. Alma is the second resident of the nursing home to reach 100 in the past few months. Agnes Whybrow another centenarian, was on hand to help Alma celebrate her big day. They must be doing something right at the Harden Nursing Home. Happy Birthday Alma!!!