The Director of Environmental Services, Sharon Langman, has accepted the position of Acting General Manager. She is pictured with former Acting General Manager, Trevor Drowley who will now work as Assistant General Manager.

The local government amalgamation process has caused a staffing issue at the top of Harden Shire Council’s ladder, with the current Acting General Manager, Trevor Drowley, being appointed as an Assistant General Manager at an Extraordinary Meeting of Council this evening.

The Director of Environmental Services, Sharon Langman, has accepted the position of Acting General Manager, as legal issues prevent Trevor Drowley from continuing in a temporary position for more than twelve months. The situation has been further complicated by the Office of Local Government (OLG) declaring that Harden Shire Council was now in a ‘Merger Proposal Period Operation’, which prevents the hiring of external staff.

Despite Langman’s appointment to the Acting General Manager role, it is expected that she will delegate the role’s functions to the now Assistant General Manager Drowley. Langman believed that a change in roles during the current ‘Fit For the Future’ process would be ill-conceived, due to Drowley’s experience with the process.

“He’s all over it,” she said.