A shed from Blantyre Farms owned by Michael and Edwina Beveridge. The couple have lodged a Development Application to expand their business in the Harden Shire.

Blantyre Farms (owned by Michael and Edwina Beveridge) have submitted a Development Application (DA) to build a pig farm on their property near Harden. At completion, it will house approximately 25,000 pigs.

The development will include two sites, 21 sheds in total & will also incorporate a methane digestion system, which generates electricity from methane gas captured from the pig manure. All manure will be used on the farm as fertiliser to grow crops and fertilise pastures. The project is estimated to cost $12 million to build. 6000 tonnes of grain will be required each year, and this will be sourced from local farmers. Blantyre operates a similar sized pig farm near Young & currently employs 35 staff. At completion, the new development will provide for 20 additional full time jobs, all of which will be sourced locally. Edwina said,

“We are really excited to have lodged the development application and to be making plans for a new pig farm, we hope the development will benefit the Harden community, through employment, increased trade for local businesses and providing farmers with an outlet for their feed grain.” The Development is proposed for approval on Eulie Road with two sites used to breed pigs and another to grow pigs located approximately 1 kilometre from each other. Around 20 sheds may be used in the process. Much of the farm’s power may be generated from a methane digestion system which captures the biogas from the main effluent dam and uses it to run a generator. Details of the proposal can be inspected at Harden Shire Council Chambers from Friday December 18 until February 5.