MEDIA RELEASE 16 December 2015
GWCC’s General Manager, Mr Andrew Grant, has sought and been granted by the GWCC Board a medical retirement effective 22 January 2016. He will not be returning to work. In his continuing absence, Mr Phillip Rudd, will continue to be Acting General Manager.
Mr Rudd has now met with the GWCC staff and thanked them for their support and continued loyalty to GWCC. He has indicated that he will work with them to achieve positive outcomes for the future.
GWCC does not agree with the Motions that have been passed – especially as Mr Rudd is now Acting General Manager and GWCC hopes that they will be withdrawn in the interests of moving forward.
Mr Rudd has also spoken with the employees’ union and negotiations are under way to deal with the subject matter of these Motions and to also bring to an end the current proceedings before the Industrial Relations Commission.
GWCC acknowledges the supportive actions of its staff by calling off threatened industrial action and hopes that this spirit of goodwill will apply to the management of the Motions.
Negotiations have been scheduled over the next six weeks and GWCC is hopeful of both positive and permanent outcomes.
Peter Speirs
Chairperson of the GWCC Board