The Ross Memorial Church, Murrumburrah on the day of its Dedication Service, Wednesday, 15th December 1915 with the original St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church from 1883 on the left (now the church hall).

The Ross Memorial Uniting Church in Harden will be celebrating 100 years of community activity and worship on the 12th and 13th of December, 2015. The Church was built by the Ross Family in memory of their parents Mr and Mrs William Ross, who were landholders in Harden. They ran a very large property called “Garangula” which still operates today. The Ross Memorial Church features beautiful stained glass windows, a magnificent pipe organ and brilliant woodwork.

The original wooden pews were all built on site inside the Church itself. On Saturday, 12th December, at 7.30 pm there will be a very entertaining public concert in the Church. All local residents are welcome to attend, with entry by gold coin donation. Members of the Church will be providing a huge free supper after the concert concludes. There will be three choirs performing including the very successful Southern Cross Choir from the Young Regional School of Music, the Cootamundra Uniting Church Choir and the M&D Choir from Boorowa. The choirs will be supported by a variety of musical items including soloists and instrumentalists, local and from afar. During the Concert a special Centenary Hymn will have its premiere performance with the 80-strong combined choir members. The music and lyrics have both been written by Mr David Powell, now of Sydney.

David grew up in Harden-Murrumburrah and was organist at the Ross Memorial Church. His grandfather is a former Minister of this Church. The next day, Sunday 13th December at 10 am, a special Centenary Service will take place. A feature of this event will be the baptism ceremony for two descendants of the Ross family. The Centenary Cake will be cut towards the end of the service. All local residents are welcome to attend. Following the church service a Centenary Lunch will take place at 12.30 pm at the Harden Country Club. This lunch is open to all but bookings must be made in advance and paid for at the time of booking. Contact for further information on the Centenary events is Stewart Bruce on Ph 6386 3074 or 0423 090 912.