Murrumburrah Mill owner Greg Medway and the broken window in Albury St.

Murrumburrah has been hit by a wave of vandalism, with several properties, including Murrumburrah Public School (MPS), being targeted. Petty crime has dramatically increased in Murrumburrah in recent weeks, with windows being wantonly smashed, gardens vandalised, fences damaged and signs stolen.

MPS was targeted between the hours of 8:00 pm Saturday November 7 and 8:00 am November 8, with the bus stops along Derby Street being targeted. The fiends caused $800.00 worth of damage. “What can I say,” said MPS Principal Clare Crawford. “I am so disappointed that one or two individuals are wreaking havoc. Harden-Murrumburrah is such a fantastic place and we have had no real problems until recently.”

A window was smashed at a garage owned by Ginty & O’Leary in Murrumburrah next to the Court House. The incident occurred sometime between 7:30 pm Friday November 6 and 5:25 pm Sunday November 8. Blood was found on the window, which will hopefully help Police in their inquiries. An outbuilding of the Murrumburrah Mill facing Albury Street had two of its windows broken between the hours of 4:00 Wednesday November 4 and 4:00 pm Thursday November 5.

The Mill was again targeted on Friday night, November 6, with another window broken. “I’ve been associated with this place [the Mill] for over eleven years, and this is the first time anything like this has happened,” said Greg Medway, the current owner of the site. Witnesses have described seeing a group young people, intoxicated and on foot, heading towards North Street after separate incidents involving beer bottles being thrown onto a driveway and a hedge being damaged on a property in Albury Street. Last month, Whichcraft had part of its sign stolen in the week leading up to the Harden Picnic Races, and in the early hours of October 18, latticework, lane markers and a bowling green were damaged at the Harden Bowling Club by a group of louts. During the incident, one of those involved was being referred to by their first name.

Any information regarding these incidents is appreciated as it could lead to the culprits being identified. Anyone who has been the victim of any acts of vandalism around the town is encouraged to report it to Police, no matter how petty the act may seem. The number for the Harden Police Station is 63 862 644, and the Cootamundra Local Area Command can be contacted on 69 420 030.