Sam Cross, Ros Stewart and Nyssa Young at the Hard Rock Gym.

The Hard Rock Gym in Station St Harden has added some new equipment to the gym just in time for summer. The Gym is always looking for ways to engage with the community and the ladies circuit classes are a great way to get fit and have fun with your friends. Ros Stewart said, “ Due to popular demand we have purchased some new hydraulic gym equipment to meet the demands of the community.” The equipment is purpose built for ladies’ gym circuit classes and the classes will start Tuesday 24th November at 5:30pm-6:30pm. Local lady Sam Cross will be running the classes and can’t wait to get started. Ros said, “As demand grows more classes will get up and running so if you have a group of friends interested in using the gym at a particular time then we will be happy to run circuit classes for you.” The classes will be just $5 for members and $15 for non members. A great incentive to join your local Gym.