Tim Davis and Bob Head

“Loved every minute of it” was what Tim davis first said when asked about his trip to Kokoda with brother-in-law, Bob Head. The pair have only recently returned from their 9 day trek, which followed a fundraising effort that raised $6,000 for a new X- ray machine at the Murrumburrah-Harden District Hospital. Tim said,

“It was one of the hardest things I have ever done in my life. It really makes you appreciate even more than I did what those diggers did.” The whole exercise was difficult from the start for Tim and Bob who both suffered physically on the track. “We were up sh** creek before we got there!”, said Tim. Bob came down with the flu and had it for the whole time he was on the track, and lost 9 kilograms in 9 days. “I did my back in before I left, and on day two, I injured my knee and had to get through the rest of the trip,” added Tim.

The experience was a rewarding one for the close mates, who said they recommend any Australian to do it. Tim said, “I don’t recommend anyone to carry their own pack. Mine weighed 17.5 kilograms and many of our fellow travellers got the Fuzzy Wuzzies to carry them for them.” The indigenous people of Papua New Guinea are acclimatized to the conditions and some are able to traverse the difficult track in 3 days. “The head Papua New Guniean guide had completed the track 72 times. They come flying down through the bushes in thongs, and ran straight down the hills. They make it look easy.” With over $6000, raised the gentlemen would like to see more go in the kitty to help with the cost of the machine.

Donations can be made by going Tim and Bob’s Facebook page, Harden to Kokoda, or on their website at www.hardentokokoda.com. Next week we will have some journal entries, diet plans and experiences in part 2 of Tim and Bob’s trip.