The Twin Town Times would like to introduce Our new logo.

After sitting at home in front of the fireplace pondering colour schemes and designs, we have decided upon black writing on a yellow background. We hope you like it! It will make us more visible on Facebook and easier for our readers to see us in their news feed.

Our Clydesdale stays as a symbol of slowly and surely getting the job done and working hard all day. It links us with the past and pulls us into the future.

Remember The Twin Town Times is your Newspaper! Support the Newspaper that supports you.

We print between 800 and 850 COPIES A WEEK. We are Your trusted advertiser offering exposure in Print, On Facebook and on Our Local Website. If you want your business to grow We can help you.

If you have an idea, a photo, a lead or a story you would like in the paper, Help out the Home side The Twin Town Times

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or Call in to The only Newspaper with a shop front in Harden Murrumburrah at 10 Neill St Harden.

Monday to Wednesday 9am-5pm. Thursday 9am to Midday