Danny Allen

Southern Cross Care St Lawrence Apartments celebrated the long service of two of its staff at a ceremony held yesterday. Kim Gray was honoured for 25 years of service, whilst Danny Allen was officially recognised for his 10 years with St Lawrence. Both staff have seen many changes in the provision of aged care, particularly when the Apartments moved from its original site in the old boys’ home in Galong to its current Swift Street site. “You’ve got all the facilities here now, and it’s much more efficient,” said Danny, who has actually given 11 years of service and began his career at the Apartments in Galong. “The job is pretty cool. They are a good bunch of people here, and it is a flexible place to work. I’ve been able to watch my kids grow up,” he said. Working at the Apartments is a family affair, with Danny’s wife Narelle having worked there for seven years. “She’s not far behind me,” added Danny.