At the Cootamundra Local Area Command (LAC) PACT meeting with Shire Council representatives in the LAC’s region on January 26, Councillors were informed of the current trends in criminal activity in the region. Although crime in the LAC overall has decreased in the last 15 years, robberies, internet fraud and telephone scams targetting the elderly are on the rise. Across the LAC, crime in retail stores is proving to be the biggest issue, with businesses urged to install Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) surveillance. Inspector Ashley Holmes of the LAC’s Northern Sector commented that businesses with CCTV cameras installed have been of considerable assistance to police in their investigations.

Inspector Holmes also reported that break and enter occurrences on farm properties have been causing problems. Inspector Frank Brown of the Central Sector noted that telephone scams targetting elderly residents are on the rise, and mental health issues are also causing concern. He also reported that drug detection operations on board trains passing through the area have turned up results.Mayor of Tumut, Trina Thomson, has urged PACT to include domestic violence statistics at its next meeting.The next PACT meeting will be at Young Council Chambers on November 24.