HMRLFC President Jason Pollard with HMJRLFC Secretary Karen Steel, HMJRLFC President Kai Steele and Canberra Raiders legend Alan Tongue.


Former Canberra Raider and now Rugby League Commentator Alan Tongue arrived in the Twin Towns on Saturday night to help the club raise some funds for the future of the sport. Juniors President Kai Steele was behind getting Tongue to town with the former Canberra Raider a hit with the locals. Born in Tamworth and a country lad at heart, Tongue immersed himself in the large crowd signing autographs, posing for photos and assisting with the Auction of the ‘Pink’ Day.

Message FROM Kai Steele.

On behalf of Harden Junior League I would like to thank everyone who supported our Pink Day and Charity Auction at the Country Club on Saturday, it was a very successful event with our club being able to raise $1500 for Charity. I’m very proud to live in such a great community such as ours who show such support. Alan Tongue was impressed with your support and he had a ball, so thank you all. A special mention to our tireless committee and volunteers, and to our Auctioneer Tony Gahan. Without his light hearted approach the night wouldn’t have been such a success. Well done. Thanks must also go to Senior League for allowing us to share the night and the Country Club for allowing us to hold the night at the Club.