Harden’s 1958 winning side at Tumut: Barry Edwards, James Ryan, Graham Kemp, Kevin Dunn, Peter Beal (Senior), Bill Fitzgerald.

61 years of Polocrosse will be celebrated this weekend.

The Harden Polocrosse Carnival will be held at the Harden Racecourse this weekend, in what is set to be a fine display of horsemanship and skill. 25 teams are expected to enter the event, and with free entry for the general public, all are urged to come and watch. “We have a canteen which will be selling hot pumpkin soup, and there will also be a bar operating,” said Harden Polocrosse Club President, Chris Bunny. In contrast to last year’s carnival, which was postponed due to weather and a low turn-out, the coming weekend is predicted to have fine weather for the event. “Hopefully conditions will be good,” said Chris. Although starting times and draws are yet to be confirmed, the event is likely to start at 9:00 am on Saturday, with the finals set to take place on Sunday afternoon. “Once nominations are received, we will divide the teams up into even grades,” said Paul O’Connor of the Harden Polocrosse Club. “We will try to keep the competition even.” Any profits made at the event will go to trying to improve facilities for the Harden Polocrosse Club. “Our long-term aim is to replace the old polocrosse clubhouse,” said Paul. “This would be for the use of all clubs at the racecourse.” In previous years, clubs using the racecourse have struggled to gain easy access to maintain facilities. They had to make a deposit at the Shire Chambers and collect a key to use the racecourse, which was always difficult outside of Shire operating hours. In a recent development, however, clubs have now been given their own keys to the racecourse to be able to gain access to perform working bees and prepare for various events. “It’s really made it a lot easier for us,” said Paul.