Bunyip Preschool received a welcome boost on Monday from Member for Burrinjuck, Katrina Hodgkinson, with the presentation of a cheque for $5,000.00. 100 of the most disadvantaged preschools in New South Wales received the one-off grant to spend on such things as acquiring books, equipment, meeting staff training costs, and excursions.

The preschool is the only one in Harden, and cares for 76 children. 80% of the staff are, or at least studying to become, Early Childhood Teachers.

According to the Bunyip Preschool’s Director, Heather Gammon, the grant money will go “to incorporating more sustainable practices, which is a big part of the National Quality Framework.”

The grant comes at a time of change and development at Bunyip Preschool.

Major Sydney-based consulting firm Semann & Slattery are working directly with Bunyip Preschool to develop management structures at there. “This will help us to continue our management structures, so we don’t have to start from scratch each time the committee changes,” said Heather.

Semann & Slattery approached Bunyip Preschool after Heather and another staff member, Sarah Hearne, attended a two day leadership and management course at QT in Canberra.

Heather was also among 10 people picked out 80 to attend a year-long aspiring leaders’ course at Macquarie University in Sydney.

Designs for new landscaping at the preschool have also been drawn up, which is set to include a dry creek-bed, a pump, and a curving bamboo curtain to replace the current internal fence.