Jayden Nicholls, the only member from Harden accompanied by 2 members from Young, volunteered to travel to South Australia as part of the Regional West Strike Team to assist with fighting the fires which occurred early January 2015.

Volunteers from Parkes, Dubbo, Mudgee, Weddin also assisted. They drove from Young to fight the Sampson Flat fire, staying at Nairn in tents. The team responded to 000 calls as they came in.

After a five day stint, Jayden flew back to Young and the trucks were brought back by other members of the RFS.

Jayden said, “I learned how to be part of a larger team working in country that was a lot different from around this district.”

The fire was brought under control after a large downpour but not before it had burnt out over 13,000 hectares.

NSW RFS sent over 200 firefighters to assist those in South Australia.

Jayden is pictured in the centre of the photo at Parkes before departing for South Australia.