Local cyclist Mark Curtis completed his fundraising ride for the Great Cycle Challenge on October 31, covering a total of 753 kilometres over the month.

Nationally, over $2,000,000 was raised for the Children’s Medical Research Institute.

Over 6,870 participants competed in the Great Cycle Challenge and covered a total distance of 1.52 million kilometres by either cycling indoors, out in the environment or on indoor equipment.

Mark said, “One rider completed close to 3,000 kilometres for the month”. Other riders set and achieved their own individual goals.

Mark said, “I would like to give a big, big thank you to every one who wished me good luck and to all those wonderful people who sponsored me for the event, your generosity was very encouraging. My score card reads, 753 kilometres from 21 rides and $1,216 wonderful dollars raised to help fight children’s cancer. I had 3 punctures, 1 blown tyre, a bit of chaffing and I lost count of the insects I swallowed. I might have to breath through my nose next time.”

All funds raised go to support the work of the Children’s Medical Research Institute to develop treatments and find a cure for childhood cancer.