Ever since Georgie Campbell was a little girl she said that she always looked up to the Miss Showgirls of the town.

“I always saw them as these women who I wanted to be like. I especially remember the year that Fiona Collins won and I just admired her so much, I was only about 10 and I never thought the day would come where that could be me.” Georgie said

Georgie wants to be an inspiration to young women and show them that they can be tough and independent but still be proud to be a girl from the country.

She said “I am studying a Primary Teaching degree which I intend to finish in the near future. Once I’ve finished, I want to teach in the Harden area and use my passion for teaching to make children excited to be from the country and rural areas. I also want to incorporate my love of swimming into that and make sure that all children in our area have the skills they need to be safe around the water.”

Georgie is currently working in Canberra where she manages a gym. “This has given me some amazing opportunities to meet new people, learn a broad range of skills, and really appreciate cultural diversity. Growing up in Harden, I think I took things for granted but now that I have spent some time in other places it has really made me appreciate where I’m from and what we have to offer.”

“When I’m not working, studying, lifeguarding or teaching children to swim, I enjoy travelling and have a huge desire to see as much of the world as I can. I believe there is so much we can learn, from other countries and I love being able to experience different cultures.”

“The next step for me with Miss Showgirl is to participate in the Zone Judging weekend which is scheduled for February. I am hoping to represent our town to the best of my ability at the next level.”

The show was opened by State Member for Burrinjuck Katrina Hodgkinson who thanked Kayla Daley – 2013 Showgirl – for her excellent work in representing the town.