Harden Australia Day Citizen of the Year Maryanne Fitzgerald with Ambassador Peter McLean.
Maryanne Fitzgerald was awarded Harden’s Citizen of the Year during the Hilltops Australia Day Award presentations in Newson Park.
Maryanne stated to the Times “I am very honoured to be recognised for the work that I perform in the community. It’s humbling and unexpected when undertaking voluntary work in the community it is certainly not about seeking recognition, But I am still honoured to accept the award.”
“I didn’t have any idea I was to receive the award although certain family members were a little sneaky in informing me someone else might be getting an award on the day. So it was a nice shock when it was me to win an award.
“I do hope to maintain the work that I do to make a difference in our community and I encourage others to become involved which can only make our community an even better place for all.”
Maryanne mentioned it’s not about individual recognitions and stressed that an essential part of working well as a team for the better cause is to surround yourself with good people, this being relevant to your everyday life, your workplace and your community life.
“Each project carries a level of importance each of them is essential for providing opportunities in small rural communities.”
She stated “I would like to personally thank everyone who sent their well wishes, congratulations and messages of support, to those who assisted with the nomination process and for those who made the effort to attend on the day, to celebrate this special day.”
Other recipients of awards were:
Junior Citizen of the Year – Bella Cooper
Bella is a vivacious leader in the local community and the school. She created a mental health and wellbeing initiative and supports fundraisers such as the Cambodia Immersion program, MND, ‘Do it for Dolly’, St Vincent de Paul, Socktober and other local organisations.
Senior Citizen Award – Jim Wright
Since Jim arrived in Harden he has been involved in many and varied aspects of the community including Apex, the Dairy/Butter Factory, Harden Railway Centenary, St Lawrence Home Galong/Harden, Ross Memorial Uniting Church, Bendigo Bank, Rotary Club and Kruger Trust.
Community Involvement in Sport – Teigan and Jeremy Martin
The Martins founded the Junior Red Devils Rugby Union Club to give all local children the opportunity to earn and play rugby. Jeremy is involved in both the Junior and Senior Red Devils and along with Teigan is also involved in the touch football competition and the junior rugby league. Through their efforts, Jeremy and Teigan are enabling children and adults alike to be involved in community sports.
Towncare Award – Graham Hill
Graham received this award for his mowing and trimming of all the edges in Whitten Lane behind the shops and police station. He also sprays for weeds to keep the lane tidy. It would have to be one of the tidiest streets in Harden.
Special Community Awards – Allison Manwaring
Allison has been involved with the Harden Soccer Club, Touch Football Association, Can Assist and Harden-Murrumburrah Debutante Ball.
Carol Barker
Carol has been on the Flexible Care Board for 15 years and volunteers for many other local charities including the Anglican Church Op Shop, Meals on Wheels and Can Assist Harden Murrumburrah Branch.
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