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Harden Junior Hawks charity round

The junior Harden Hawks Rugby League Football Club changed up their jersey this week for the 14s and 16s in a charity round with a multicoloured style at McLean Oval.

Each colour on the jersey represents a different form of cancer and will hopefully create awareness for cancer patients.

The jersey is made up of orange for leukaemia, yellow for bone cancer, blue for prostate cancer, green for liver cancer, white for lung cancer, red for myeloma and purple is a representation of them all.

Additionally 50% of the profits from the day will go to Can Assist, a charity that provides care for country cancer patients and their families.

Can Assist was created on the recognition of the issue that, “Compared to those in metropolitan areas, rural cancer patients are diagnosed later, are more likely to die and seventeen times more likely to report geographical and financial barriers to care.”

27 of the multicoloured jerseys were auctioned after the games, with 100% of the number one fullback jersey going to the local Can Assist branch.

As an acknowledgment of the players commitment to the charity day, the multicoloured game balls were given to the referees choice of the player who showed the best sportsmanship throughout the game.

Donning the multi colours the under 14’s tackle team won 42-4 against Temora whilst the under 16’s league tag lost 14-4 against Temora. Although mixed results were had, the focus was on the successful support and awareness given to cancer patients and Can assist.

Ed Dodds

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