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Zac’s Place Inc Looking for Socks and Jocks

Zac’s Place Inc Charity based and founded in Harden are on the lookout for warm socks, jocks and beanies.

The charity is looking to help supporting people who are struggling and need support through a cold winter.

Zac’s Place are calling on people for any donations of new, unworn pieces of underwear they can provide. Ros and Glenn Stewart, Founders of Zac’s Place Inc Charity, said every little bit of clothing helps and that people can continuously donate items of clothing to their Hard Rock Gym in Harden right throughout winter.

“Our donation started last week with people getting caught out by the instant cold weather that’s hit us lately. We’ve been supporting people who have been caught out by the cold and we haven’t been able to get those supplies locally,” Ros said.

Zac’s Place Inc has been helping people in Yass and Harden who are struggling, relying on their strong Christian ethos and initiatives to connect the community.

“For us, it might only be 10 people that we help each year, but 10 people are worth it. It’s horrible if you don’t have worth clothes,” Ros continued.

“It was starting to get cold, and we were looking for some socks in our supplies, but we didn’t have any, so we thought we needed to put a call out.

“People can bring in donations to our gym in the opening hours and we’ll make sure they’ll get used.” The socks, jocks and beanies can be men’s, women’s, large, small, or whatever new and unused pieces of clothing people can donate.

“The smaller sizes are probably more useful, but we will take new stuff, or any sizes people have got.

“We also auspice a night shelter in Wangaratta, so we try and support them as well if you get given extra stuff. There are always people we can help.

“We don’t have an end date to the donation drive, because we don’t yet know how long the cold snap will last.” Zac’s Place Inc. are currently seeking warm and new condition blankets to refill their stock, having done ‘Bike Blanket Runs’ in the past, which they then donated to Vinnies and Salvos, as well as keeping some themselves.

“Winters a really bad time for all of us. This year especially has surprised us with the cold weather and an heavy flu season. Things are pretty tough at the moment with Covid and the flu,” Ros said.

“There are lots of people struggling and we want to help them out. If people have any other ideas, please give us a call too.”

Call 0406 379 561



to get in contact with Ros or Glenn to help the donation drive.

Tim Warren

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