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From the Principal MHS

Hello again and welcome to the end of week 2 Term 2. Only a short report this newsletter. Firstly, facilities upgrades – Rooms 4/5 and 6/7 have had their old 1970’s concertina folding walls removed ready for the installation of brand-new ones.

The new walls will be much more soundproof and provide a much better environment for both the teachers and students using these rooms. In the meantime half the rooms will be out of action for a few weeks whilst works are undertaken.

The cost of these works is about $45,000 and is being funded by the Department of Education.

We have been on the waiting list for a year or so but later this term we will have 16 brand new 80-inch smart panels installed on trolleys in almost all classrooms with full wi-fi minicomputers attached.

These devices will replace the aged white boards and projectors in all classrooms and can be centrally repaired and updated from the TSO (Technical Support Officer) office.

It will also enable school wide messages to be sent out to all or just selected classrooms for improved communication, especially in the event of and emergency.

The new panels are very intelligent and will make a teacher’s life so much easier with their improved functions. Approximately $125,000 in value.

This is being funded by the NSW Education Minister as part of a state-wide rollout of upgraded technology equipment for rural areas.

The school has already received 12 new student laptops to supplement this program as well as upgrade internet speed and backup services. Staffing – Luke Cotter is on leave for a few weeks and Mitch Summerfield is relieving TSO (computer guy).

Mitch has been studying under Luke’s training for a while now so that the school has continuity of support in this critical area.

This means that Ann Wirth is filling in for Mitch as SLSO (School Learning Support Officer) in class support full time for 4 weeks. Mr Cotter is studying to become a teacher.

Student activities – ANZAC day was well supported this year after a couple of quieter marches due to restrictions. Both School Captains, Chloe Wade and Beau Abnett, spoke at the day along with Hayley Hambrook at short notice.

All represented the school with pride.

Beau Ferry and Bianca Burns paraded the flags at the start of the march procession with Jade Emms also assisting with flag duties at the cenotaph.

B- Jay Skinner and Mike Lincolne carried the school banner for the march. Regan Manton also carried the flag at the Jugiong ANZAC day march.

A big thank you to all these students for their help on the day. Monday 9th May is our first P & C meeting with our new executive team.

I hope to see as many parents there as possible to support the new team. Starts at 6pm in the staff room just up from the lower carpark. Stay warm as the weather now cools down. 180 embroidery has lots of warm winter uniforms for sale. Late news! The school has been approved for a 24kw solar system to be installed this year, funded by the State Government.

Mr Dale Rands Principal

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