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Close Call On Burley Griffin Way Caught On Camera

The car bottom right of the picture.

For years upon years people have loved debating who would win in fights that could never happen, Ali vs Tyson, Lion vs Tiger, Fred Flinstone vs George Jetson and the list goes on and on.

One fight no one has ever debated is a Rhino taking on a duck because well that is just stupid.

Also stupid is over taking someone on a highway and speeding headfirst into a truck more than 5 times the size of your car.

Unfortunately last week someone was ignorant enough to nearly make a life ending mistake, not just for themselves and their family but for the truck driver, Josh Ward.

Ward gave his recount of the event last week where he described the incident which occurred on a large hill near Mt. Bobbara 5 kilometres west of Binalong.

‘’I didn’t sorta see him until he had done the second truck and was coming up to the front truck. I instantly had to react as I was going down a steep hill.

And I had no more room to go as the guard rail was at the front of me when I swerved back into my lane fully,” recalled a shaken Ward.

“And to be fully honest, it scared the shit out of me as it was a family with kids in the back that I could see.” Ward went on to add that. “I thought I’d killed a family when it all happened. It was definitely one of the closer encounters I’ve had”.

This comes after a staggering 24 people lost their lives in the month of April alone on NSW Roads.

Whilst the Driver deserves no excuses, it does bring attention to something that has been an issue just outside of Binalong for many years and that’s the fact that from Yass to Harden you can legally overtake twice.

Though the efforts of a clever driver were enough for people to keep their lives in this situation, not everyone will be as road smart as Josh and if something is not to be done about this road soon, there will be a fatality. It is not a matter of if, it is matter of when someone loses their life on the highway.

Ward added lastly that he was told from another truck driver that he had caught the car by Harden and was right behind him.

So the man risked his life, his family and Josh’s life all for nothing. It goes to show that the saying holds true.

“It’s better to get there late, than to not get there at all”.

Tully Potts

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