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Murrimboola Creek Revitilisation Hits Roadblocks

An artist’s impression.

After receiving $1.8 million of funding in June last year to reinvigorate the banks of the Murrimboola Creek in Harden-Murrumburrah, progress has stalled to get the construction work underway.

Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development Mr McCormack helped secured the funding in the last financial year, however a contractor has not yet been found to begin works.

The exact sum of $1,836,446 was awarded to the project under Round two of the Federal Government’s Building Better Regions Fund (BBRF).

Mr McCormack last year said, “Murrimboola Creek project would deliver much-needed economic growth and local jobs for the local community.”

While Hilltops Mayor, Councillor Brian Ingram, also welcomed the news for the funding upgrade.

“This is fantastic news for Hilltops and especially the Harden-Murrumburrah community,” Cr Ingram said.

“This funding will unlock the Murrimboola Creek precinct as a key recreation corridor for the community and a major attraction for visitors to the area.”

The beatification of Murrimboola Creek will include the installation of fish ladders to enable the water to hold at a higher level, as well as walking paths to link the precinct together.

Extensive landscaping and water works will be features of the creek revitalisation.

The Times approached Hilltops Council for comment regarding an updated timeframe of the process.

“The designs are currently being reviewed and once completed a tender will be advertised during the current financial year,” the Council spokesperson said.

“Council has received the following funding from the Stronger Communities Fund, Building Better Regions Fund and Stronger Country Communities Fund, [however] no contractor has been appointed yet.”

Hilltops Councillor Tony Flanery said he was disappointed that no work had yet been commenced on the site, especially due to the lengths Council had to go to for securing the funding.

“Getting extra money for Murrimboola Creek was something that we had to work hard on and it’s just a pity that very little work has happened on it so far,” Flanery said.

“The Murrimboola Creek is a project that I want to see started.”

Once Council have reviewed and approved the appropriate design, they will be in a position to advertise the project to a contractor to conduct the revisitation work.

Hilltops advised that an outcome would be achieved within this financial year, but that still leaves eager residents waiting more months which is frustrating.

Tim Warren 

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